Large-scale cattle and sheep breeding promotion center - cattle - sheep - Luxi cattle

Shandong cattle farms, cattle breeding bases, beef cattle breeding and management, beef cattle prices, cattle breeding, sheep breeding, and livestock husbandry in the livestock industry are relatively good and secure. At present, pigs and chickens are the most unstable in the market. But cattle and sheep have been very stable. There has not been a very unusual effect of inflation. At present, cattle breeding is being vigorously promoted in the country, especially in poor areas. Its market efficiency in cattle industry / sheep industry / in the livestock and poultry industry is relatively good and secure. At present, pigs and chickens are the most unstable in the market. But cattle and sheep have been very stable. There has not been a very unusual effect of inflation. At present, cattle breeding is being vigorously promoted in the country, especially in poor areas. Factors such as the stability of its market efficiency have attracted everyone to be very optimistic about the market prospects and the development of farming scale. The cattle-raising season can in fact be cultivated all year round. It also has advantages and disadvantages. Now it is hot summer. It should be said that the incidence of cattle should be high. However, as long as attention is paid to the ventilation and safety and sanitation work of the cowshed, the cow is not likely to be affected in general, and the body of cattle is much stronger than that of humans. The homes of general regular manufacturers are now under normal quarantine and epidemic prevention. Therefore, as long as you follow the formal breeding methods, it is a good season all year round. The topic is to raise cattle now. I will now tell you the reasons for raising cattle now. Soybeans, corn and other crops are just growing. This year is expected to have a good harvest! Soybeans and corn are the best choices for cattle. So now about 300 pounds of calves are bought back and first fed with the current straw crushed material. When the harvest of soybeans and corn is harvested, it is exactly the key moment for the calf to speed up fattening. Green corn stalks, corn and soybeans are very abundant at this time, and the price is at the bottom of the year. It is a good time to feed cattle or stock materials at this time, which also greatly reduces the cost of raising cattle. (At present, it is known that the corn and soybeans in the country are relatively expensive). Therefore, scientific breeding cannot be ignored. Seize the opportunity, according to the growth of the cattle and all aspects of the factors coordinated, cattle will not send will not work!
Manager: Lu Shouyun Contact address: Shandong Jining Livestock and Animal Husbandry Development Zone Consultation Hotline Mobile Website http:// E-mail

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